Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Why does it seem...

...that for so many people I know, there is so much going on, and none of it seems to have an easy answer, and it is kind of all crazy?

I don't get life.

It is all very complicated.

At least there is enough I like about it to outweigh the things that drive me batty.

SNAFU is right!

But fear not denizens of the deep romantic!

Craziness is isolated to the moment. And, before you know it you are drinking cheap but tasty red wine, eating corn dogs and terra chips watching 30 Rock online.

Life settles for a moment. But just like the absurd and the out of control, the sublime is brief.

So fare thee well, my wondrous companions, fare thee well!

Until tomorrow morning, when it all begins again.

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