Friday, March 17, 2006

Poetry by DRB for Post #50!

Random thoughts

Surprising that a place called “Philthy Phil’s” would inspire me. A friend was going away and chose the locale for her final hurrah. I had a good time, I know. I mean, when the guy across the bar is buying me drinks, how could I not? It really is a wonderful place in a crazy “I will never go there again” kind of way. Kind of makes me think that everyplace is kind of wonderful. Hmm.

So, it of course got me thinking about beauty and stuff. Me, think about beauty? Surprising I know. It’s healing for me. If I can see others as beautiful than I can see myself as more beautiful. The trick for me is to not envy others but to love them and love myself at the same time.

I came up with this one:

There is no high or low order
None of it makes sense
It’s all fucked up
And every little bit of it
Is perfect


A lot of people believe
That there is someone or something
Controlling everything
Free Masons, Republicans
It surprises me how often
Karl Rove comes up

Whoever it is
Would have to be a god
And a damn good conducter
To orchestrate this chaos

I have learned through love
to not care
that’s part of their plan


I wonder
If the reason
God became man
And called himself Jesus
Was less for us
And more for him
To better understand
How his big plan was going

1 comment:

Defunct Lisa said...

good poems, good poems