Friday, March 17, 2006

Life is both. Both of what? Everything.

Is it hard for anyone else knowing that most of the things that you know most about not many people, if any, will ever know as much about those things as you? Like what makes you happy when you are alone? Or the things you notice about the people you love? Or the sadness you feel when a certain song begins playing? Maybe the joy of seeing a sunset on your drive home. Or exactly how sweet you like your coffee...and why.

It makes me a little sad because I want to know all those things about you and hope to share just a little bit of those things about me. I guess the sadness comes from wanting to know all kinds of beauty. But right now, I am okay with just knowing mine.

I smile though when I think everyone probably has something, some little thing at least, that makes them happy. Some thing that only they will ever notice in the way they notice it. And when that happens, the beauty of the universe is revealed.

Please tell me. How do you experience the divine?

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