Monday, November 26, 2007

Blah, bublah, bublah blah, blah

Does it ever feel like life is just the same recycled bits of what has come before?

I mean, not to be doom or gloom or anything, or a depressed pessimist, because I consider myself none of those, but sometimes it feels like, "what's the point?".

We get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed, do the same thing tomorrow. Maybe we throw in some vacations, or grad school, or a new job, or a kid or something. But, even those things are the tried and true.

Heck, even the people who scrap it all to go live on a deserted island, those who play "seeker" their whole lives, never settling on one thing for very long, even they are just repeating the same script that's been written and performed millions of times for hundreds of thousands of years.

There is no special. It's all kind of boring.

Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who loves to feel special, who enjoys dramatizing things and who might be feeling a little unspecial. Keep in mind, it could be a good thing for this person to be feeling like life is "normal". Otherwise, this person could end up just chasing after one dramatic thing or the next. Maybe it's a good thing this person is writing about life being a little dull.

Really, life isn't that dull. It was a fun Thanksgiving weekend. Probably the best part of it was riding bikes with Beth at South Mountain on Sunday morning. Just the two of us out riding on a beautiful morning. Along with that, there was a lot of varied activities with people I enjoy spending time with - like Jeremy and Suson, Christy and Brandon, Greg and Lisa.

Maybe it's just I don't have anything exciting to post about, other than normal ole' life kinds of things, and maybe I don't like just posting about normal ole' life kinds of things, I like special things.

And, maybe writing a post about how life is boring and it's all been done before and it's all just a futile reliving of roles cast before is just my way of being dramatic. And special.

It's kind of funny. When things are dramatic, like when I was sick a couple a weeks ago and really struggling through my back issues and feeling sorry for myself about my inability to work out and ride as much and was really whining to Beth about being "fat", all I wanted during those times was stability. I wanted things to normalize and settle down a little bit.

And, now that they have, what do I do? I whine about things being "normal"! Of course!

It's not good enough that life is just good. Noooo, that doesn't make me a deep romantic boy, does it. Life has to be big and dramatic. Blog posts have to be insightful and full of wisdon and life lessons. Really though, I like normal. I like stable. It's a good place to be. But when I think about posting to my blog I think normal isn't good enough.


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