Monday, April 02, 2007

Dichotomy of views

I give thanks
to the all
of which I am

To the sun stars galaxies universe
In awe
with joy
I give thanks
to the all
of which I am

To the earth, its magna core
The fire of our life
The oceans, clouds, blue sky
and all the land
Our mighty planet, our home
I give thanks, to the all
of which I am

To all the people
and animals
fish and birds, lizards and bugs
and all the furry ones too
To all the plants, trees
and flowers and to every rock
I give thanks
Thank you for sharing
In the all
of which we are

What a blessing, what an honor
To be me
To exist and sense
taste touch feel smell hear and think,

To whatever makes
all that is real
for whatever reasons, if any there are
I give thanks

To laugh love cry smile
hug kiss run and play
to know holiness
to know union
to be in friendship
in love

I give thanks to all of this
whatever it is
for the honor of this experience
I give thanks
To the all
Of which I am

And I pray
in times of doubt
in times of pain
when I have no faith of love
when I feel so part of nothing
I pray
let me remember, let me feel
let me feel and remember
the all of which I am

I pray for moments
when I can feel the all of which I am

Praise praise praise
I sing joy
to all creation
to the sun moon stars
praise praise praise

I sing joy
to the earth water plants animals
and people
I sing Joy!
what a wonder!
what a sight!
what a wonder!
what a sight!

I sing Joy!
to the all
of which
I am
a big dog pile
of me
trying to get
on top of you

and you
trying to get
on top of me
and everyone else

we lose
we win
we keep on pushing
push push

push man push
there ain’t nothing else
to do

a big dog pile
of you pushing your way up
over me
and everyone else

oh, and how you love
when its you
doing the pushing

you’re all,
ooh, ouch,
stop pushing
that hurts
ow, stop

push, push, push
pushing your way up
this big dog pile

and just as much
as you push
push push
you defend, defend,
push and defend
its all you know how
to do

why not
everyone else is
push pushing
not much choice
but to push
and defend

were all in
this puppy pile
all of us
one big puppy pile

who doesn’t like
a puppy pile

smash and crash
smash and crash
push push push

we all try to be brave
put on our best face

and pretend it doesn’t hurt
to be pushed around
anymore than it hurts
to push

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