Sunday, November 27, 2005


I had a very simple but powerful dream last night. In my dream I was sitting on our home office floor, I don't recall what I was doing there. I had a sense of a presence down the hallway outside of our front door. The presence there seemed both good and powerful - clean and bright. Suddenly the presence spoke my name "AARON" in a clear godlike voice. The voice was masculine, deep and pierced me to my soul. It was a call to action and resonated deeply within me. The voice was rich and powerful but peaceful and loving. I cannot do justice in words, to the tone and power of that voice...I sheepishly submit it was the voice of the Divine calling me out of myself.

I woke with a start, a fearful start as soon as I heard the voice in my dream. I was scared and tried to wake my wife. I was scared to go back to sleep. But not scared of nightmares, just scared that I could not handle facing that power in another dream. I did fall back to sleep and woke with the dream and the voice in my mind.

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