Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Okay I lied about posting

I have been watching the Democratic debate online and I sit here wondering how anyone can question Barack's experience. I know he hasn't had as many years serving, but he has such a depth and breadth of knowledge on all the issues covered.

As a salesperson, I can tell you it is so important to be able to articulately explain complex issues in a way which can be understood by someone who doesn't have the detailed knowledge I might hold as an expert on a product. Barack has the ability to articulately explain his policy positions in way which most anyone can understand. And, he does so passionately!

It shows me two things - one, he is smart, he knows his shit - and, two, because he can explain what he knows in a relatable way he will motivate people to support his ideas. Now, that is Presidential!

He is so smart, he knows the issues, he has answers for what needs to happen in key policy issues involving education, energy, the war in Iraq, healthcare, the economy and even gun control!

It is more than just a good speech, it is skills and knowledge!

Watch some of the videos in my Barack box on the right and you will realize he knows how to turn his passion into real change!

Oh yeah, he just looks Presidential!

Go Barack 2008!~

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