Wednesday, January 09, 2008


...Sen. Clinton wins a narrow victory over Sen. Obama in New Hampshire...

But, let me point out the VERY tight margin of victory (from

Hillary Clinton 112,238 Votes 39%
Barack Obama 104,757 Votes 36%
John Edwards 48,666 Votes 17%
Bill Richardson 13,245 Votes 5%

She didn’t win by 18 points, she squeaked by in a state she’d dominated in the polls until just recently. She didn’t win “women,” she won non-working women over the age of 40. Among young women and working women, Obama soundly defeated her. And she’s not a maverick insurgent riding high on an unexpected victory, she’s a grizzled establishment candidate who was almost knocked out of the race and now has a new lease on life.

And, am I the only Barack supporter wondering where Edward's 48,000 votes would have gone had he not been in the race? Like Nader siphoning votes off of Gore in 2000, Edwards might be doing the same. Sorry John, you are just not helping here!

So, lets all rally our support behind Barack! Clinton the Second is no longer inevitable! Do we really want to be fighting the same partisan battles from 10 years ago? Do the Democrats really think HRC, who has more "negatives" in a general election than any other candidate, can unite our country? Do we think someone who voted for the War in Iraq and has given George Bush another blank check on a War with Iran has the experience we want?

I will support whomever is the Democratic candidate, even if it is HRC - but I don't think she is the best choice - just better than a Republican.

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