Thursday, May 31, 2007

Crabby and tired

Well, that's it mostly...the title. Just thought I would share. Anything I say will be colored by my mood, so I won't say much. Beth has been sick and was up late coughing until like 1AM last night until I forced her to down two more heaping tablespoons of her prescription cough medicine, which stopped the coughing and put her out. I think she thinks she can get better without taking medicine, like she should be able to naturally fight off her illness. So, she was only taking a small dose of cough syrup. Me, if I have medicine to take, which, like Beth, is not often, I use it very liberally!

Anyway, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and woke up late, which meant no Yoga abs and kind of a yucky breakfast. Plus, last night was the first night of my summer class and we got out very early - it's supposed to go from 5:30 - 9:30, M & W, but we got out at like 7:00 last night. My intention was to come home and read, because there is a lot of reading in this short, five week class. Instead, I came home, had a beer (i.e. fat), dinner I didn't really need because I wasn't hungry, plus left over frozen yogurt and, god forbid, I watched TV for like two hours! I watched this show called "Traveler". It was good. But, I felt guilty about the whole evening once it was over and am left feeling fat, tired and guilty this morning. Ugh...I think I need a cup of coffee!

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