Saturday, December 09, 2006

On being alone

I have been listening to "Wait, Wait don't Tell Me" on NPR while cleaning the house. I got back from mountain biking about an hour ago.

Earlier, as I was dusting and walking around our guest room, I was thinking about how I wanted to decorate the room for my parents visit. A thought popped into my head as some part of me asked, "Is this what I want to be doing today?"

I responded, "Well, yes, I would even love to spend the whole weekend hanging out, listening to NPR, cleaning and organizing. Maybe shopping."

"Are you sure?" I asked myself, "Shouldn't you make plans to be with people?" I got scared for a moment when I thought, "do I even know anyone to call"?

"It doesn't matter really. What matters is I am having fun and happy." I then realized it is okay to enjoy being alone.

I kind of like it.

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