Thursday, May 04, 2006

Practical Application of Previous Post

Before I wrote my previous post I was feeling down and depressed. My sickness caused me to have a kind of slothful week. My inner critic was on top of me with all the things that I hadn't accomplished this week. And, just for good measure it heaped on some helpings of anything else it could think of that I had failed to accomplish or times when I was not 100% productive.

So I decided to lay down and meditate. To just breath and to follow my breath. I used my breath to focus on the moment, and used my inner observer to look at the reality of what was in front of me. For about 10 minutes I laid there, following my breath and letting thoughts float by without grabbing onto them.

I allowed the breath to pull my energy and attention away from what was missing, and it emptied the ammunition of my inner critic. Laying there I realized there is nothing missing in my life in that moment. Everything is fine just the way it is. I am fine just the way I am.

That is how my breath and the now brought me from a place of funk to a place of peace. I didn't force anything, I just followed my breath into the flow where everything is balance, everything is just right.

When I am in the place of everthing is just right then I begin to notice the beauty in things. I begin to be filled with the thoughts of the divine and spirituality. I go from melancholy boy to romantic boy. Sometimes to the extreme. And, the romantic ideals I feel and express serve as the balance to the melancholy. And in swinging from dark blues to bright whites, somewhere in there I find balance, I find equanimity.

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